About the Inductive Learning category

Once you have watched the video on inductive learning, take some time to think about how you could rewrite one of your current lessons to be inductive. Share your new lesson idea in this discourse by creating a new topic. Afterward, comment on your colleagues ideas for how to rewrite their lessons.

A lesson in the module I am helping to develop addresses geometric transformations. A deductive approach to this lesson would involve some type of lecture about various types of transformations (translations, dilations, rotations, reflections), followed by time for students to apply this knowledge to example problems. The approach we are taking, however, involves asking students to play a simple video game (like Super Mario), list out all of the character moves that they notice, and then try to categorize them and describe them. This type of analysis would lead to the identification of different transformations, though students may not have the mathematical words to describe them. For example, they may notice that one type of move is when the character runs left to right and jumps up and down. The teacher would then help them identify this with the mathematical term translations. The lesson would conclude with a whole class discussion in which the teacher helps students connect the moves they identified with the relevant mathematical terms.

I have TAed a probability course in college. Typically, the professor delivers a lecture on a probability concept (such as binomial random variable) and then assign problem sets which requires students apply the concepts to solve problems. To make this lesson plan inductive, we could begin by giving some sort of simulation game that is modeled by a binomial rv (maybe rolling multiple trials of 10 six-sided-dice throws each, and counting how many times 6 comes up, the variance of the trows, etc) and then try to have students predict the outcome when we throw different dices (maybe 10 sided or 20 sided) for different number of throws. Hopefully they will also arrive at a binomial random variable for this prediction; then following up with a lecture on the binomial random variable and the theoretical fundations. This way the students might get a better sense on why this concept is useful, and have a more tangible understanding of what it models.

I wasn’t sure where to start given the videos example. It took awhile to think about what I could do for students in order to help them understand something that is language arts related. Finally, I thought about having students tackle key words and determine where they fit and why. I think I could use the inductive process to help students better understand the writing process. I could pull examples for them to study, define, and identify the parts to - for example: different ways of brainstorming, conventions examples, organizational formats, and so on. Students could try to determine what is similar in different ways. Through that, they could determine the different labels and what they mean in conjunction with what they are writing. I really liked the idea of having students group things in different ways because you could then have them see where the different processes connect to each other. It would show the bridge between them and why they need each component.

I really appreciate your involvement of a video game. It would certainly help with students interest levels.

I love the idea of making something into a game of sorts. Great connection with students.

I think inductive learning could be applied to the Science Fiction lesson I was just working on. The objective of the lesson is to teach students the characteristics of Science Fiction and then have them analyze how those characteristics are used in an episode of Star Trek the Original series. Finally, I want students to connect how the style or genre the author uses can influence their message/theme.

I think I could flip this lesson to show students the Episode of Star Trek first and have them identify the characteristics of Sci-Fi from that example. They could then discuss how the unique characteristics they found influences the message of the episode. Students could then share their findings with each other and create a more revised list as an entire class. They could evaluate what characteristics are truly unique to science fiction and what can be thrown out. We could then use this revised list to analyze the episode one final time as a class.

This was a pretty high interest activity when I did it last year, I think giving students even more autonomy could help increase engagement even more!

I love the idea of doing a hands on activity like this to introduce the concept and then teaching the terminology and content. Such a great way to increase engagement!

I teach debate as an elective course. Throughout the year, we teach 3-4 styles of debate. Each style has its own process and the types of research/arguments/procedures vary based upon the style we are currently practicing. Last year, when transitioning between our first style (World Schools) and into our second (Public Forum), we discussed some of the differences in advance and then moved on to a short example to illustrate those differences. If I had removed the pre-teaching instruction and instead jumped into the Public Forum example fresh from a round of World Schools, students could generate the differences they notice upon first exposure. This may help build the “why” related to each of the styles. It’s a small shift, but I do think it would be helpful.

I have a strong feeling that any use of video games in class will likely become a talking point for years to come. :slightly_smiling_face:

I like this idea quite a bit. Especially working this year with a larger percentage of students currently struggling with language arts, I can see reinforcing personal ownership of the myriad of connections between ideas being helpful. We’ll have to chat more!